Chapter 3: We Are Special Page No. 168 Q. 1 How do people who are unable to see, read books? Ans. People read the books through touching embossed dots who are unable to see. Q. 2 How do they identify the things in bags? Ans. We identified those things by touching them. Page No. 169 Q.1 The word ‘INDIA’ is written below in Braille Script. You also try to write your name in Braille Script with the help of Braille Script chart. Ans. My name is Flying Chart. So it will be written in following way in Braille Script. Students should also try to write their name in Braille Script using Braille Script Chart. Page no. 171 Q. 1 If there are any students in the class who are unable to see, speak or walk, in what ways will you help them? Ans. We will help them in following ways: (i) We will help them in various works such as taking water, taking out their books and copies etc. (ii) We will help them to move from one place to another. (iii) We will try to make th...